All DONATIONS matched 100% by an anonymous donor.

ZONTA CELEBRATES IWD 2023 Campaign is in need of donations to support local women’s charities. The need is great. Please consider making a donation today.

The Zonta Club of Oakville uses Canada Helps — Canada’s destination for donating and fundraising online.  It’s fast, secure and tax receipts are provided instantly!

Between February 1st and March 10th, 2023
All donations will be matched by an anonymous donor
and be given to Shifra Homes.
(example: $20.00 donation becomes $40.00 to Shifra Homes)
No donation is too small.

You can also send your donation by cheque to:


Zonta Club of Oakville

115 GEORGE St.,
Suite 414
Oakville, ON


Thank you for supporting the Zonta Club of Oakville!